Saturday, November 27, 2004

Money for Nothing


Yesterday was my first experience with a shopping anomaly known as Black Friday. Wifey and I went out so I could see what the doorbusters were all about. We decided that we would go to Proffits because I have always heard about the Cracker Jacks that they give out that have a surprise of discounts of purchase or jewelry or money. Anyway, we each got a bag and opened it and we each had a 15% off the purchase of an item. Well, the store has more than one location in the mall and when we went to the other one a lady was giving out two to three bags at a time. People were getting bags and circling around for more bags. We probably got about ten bags each. Unfortunately the surprise never surprised us after the first bag (I thought they came in boxes). Each had 15% off. I was hoping for a toy at least. (I did notice the strange writing on the outside though). We didn't buy anything either.


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