Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The First Album that I Ever Bought

Portrait of Bobby

This is the first album I ever bought. I was 7 years old. My grandmother took me shopping on my birthday. It was my birthday, and I remembered liking the song Cried Like a Baby that I would hear on the school bus every morning. Perhaps seeing Bobby on TV in Here Comes the Bride influenced my decision. I do not still have the album as I am sure that when I became a teenager that I started viewing the album or any album with titles such as Bubble Gum and Braces as the kiss of death when it came to being cool. I did love it in the 1980's when Bobby Sherman played the bad guy in Get Crazy. I admire the fact that he became a paremedic. And, Bobby could probably kick Leif Garrett or any solo bubble gum pop star that came afterwards. The other two albums that I bought the same day sre pictured below in the order I picked them out. So, dear readers what was your first album that you ever bought?


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