Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Goodbye XM

I wasn't ready to talk about it yesterday, the day I was violated. I had been up all evening not able to sleep because of a stomach ache. Instead of my usual drink of Coca-Cola I went to the refrigerator for some refeshingly, cold water. I have always preferred cold water in a jar or glass over plastic cooled water. Unfortunately the old, Hawaiian Punch jar that I have used for a long time for this purpose had been pushed to the back of the fridge, was cracked, and its contents were soaking the items below. Unfortunately, the day would not get any better.
My wife returned to me with tears in her eyes shortly after leaving for her work. She had gone to her car and noticed a crunching sound under her feet only to find out she was stepping on shattered glass. She turned and noticed that the car beside her had had its window burst out. She felt sorry for the person whose car was next to her and then she realized it was my car.
I did not want to go outside and look at my car, but I finally relented. Someone had smashed in my passenger side window, ripped out my CD Player, taken my XM receiver, and it was raining. I couldn't stand to look at it, so I went back into my apartment.
My second violation came when I attempted to contact the Chattanooga Police Department. They were very cordial on the phone and took all my info and promised to get in touch with me. So, I waited, and waited, and waited. I decided to call back after two hours. They stated that they had the wrong number for me. (I looked it up online and it belonged to a Mr. W. F. Stephens of East Ridge, TN which has its own police department.) After making sure they had the right info, I waited another hour and called the department again. Another lady responded and I still never saw the police. (They were busy shooting radar on I24 even though their grant was for Highway 53.)
My mother-in-law knew someone who worked at a glass business and we got the glass replaced for $120. The man from the glass company said that he replaces about 4 - 5 glasses each day as a result of such burglaries. While he was talking a neighbor walked up and stated that 4 other cars at the complex had been broken into, each owner had called the police, each never got any response.
Over the past year, I have lost my respect for the police. At my wife's business, the bank deposit was lost. The police were called and told of the matter the officer asked what color was person was that made the deposit. When told the person was black, the officer immediately said, "He did it." I turns out that the bank had lost the money. On another occasion, I know of a person being deliberately pulled over because, the police wanted to check the person out. They told the person that they did not use their blinker when they had. Sad, sad, sad. Steppenwolf had it right in Monster.
I am going to miss Al Franken and Deep Tracks and Dr. Demento on XM. There are some formats that XM does not have that I would like to give them. For now my only consolation is that if anyone tries to connect to XM with my old receiver the XM staff will record their information and turn in the person. I don't know if that will help much because I did not make a police report.


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